Ophthalmic Solutions containing Fluorscein sodium aqueous solution, Trypan Blue Ophthalmic Solutions, Carbachol Intraocular Solution USP and more…

- Nano Visc 2% w/v is 2% aqueous solution of Hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose packed in 5ml sterile vial
- Nano Visc 2% w/v solution is premium grade Viscoelastic Solution with the viscosity of 4000cPs.
- Nano Visc 2% w/v is Clear, Sterile, isotonoic and Non-pyrogenic.
- Nano Visc 2% w/v protects and remains adjacent to Corneal Endothelium during cataract surgery.Selectively moves and isolates tissues in anterior chamber.

- Premium Injection grade quality Sodium Hyaluronate
- Opthically clear, highly cohesive, easy to aspirate.
- High Viscosity (100000- 150000 m.pas at 25°C ) & high Molecular weight. (>2.8 million dalton)
- Increased protection to Corneal Endothelium and Occular tissues.
- Sterile, pyrogen free, non-inflamatory, double filtered.
- Synthetic fermentation – no risk of viral infections.

- Nano Fluoro is sterile Fluorscein sodium aqueous solution packed in 20%- 10 x 3ml Ampoules
- The solution is pyrogen and perspective free
- Used to detect the defects in corneal epithelium, contact lens fitting, tear flow assessment ophthalmic angiography.

- Nano Chol: Carbachol Intraocular solution USP 0.01% w/v is a sterile balanced salt solution of Carbachol USP 0.01% w/v with sterile aqueous base. Q.s in contents of 1ml vial for intraocular injection.
- They reduce the intensity of intraocular pressure elevation during te first 24 hours after a cataract surgery
- Box of 10 x 1ml individually packed

- Nano TBlue: Trypan Blue Ophthalmic Solution is sterile Trypan blue 0.6% Aqueous Solution. Packed in 1ml sterile vail with buffered solution.
- Used to evaluate viability of endothelial cell and staining of acellular ILM & ERM
- Used in Cataract surgery and Chromovitrectomy Surgery.
- Box of 10 x 1ml individually packed